We Handle Parkade Restoration and Protection Projects in Calgary
CCD Western Limited provides parkade restoration and protection services in Calgary to keep your business lucrative and customers happy. If your parking structure needs a complete restoration or repair, call us right away. You can count on us to properly install concrete structures as we have experts to restore and repair your parking garages. Our wide range of services includes:
Existing coating removals
Urethane and epoxy crack injections
Spalled and delaminated concrete repairs
Surface preparation services
Routing and sealing of cracks
Epoxy deck coating installations
Methyl methacrylate installations
Polyurethane membrane installations
Need for Parkade Restoration and Protection
Parking garage concrete deterioration can occur due to various reasons and will need costly restoration if left untreated. Generally, parked cars leave behind salt and water that may cause dips or cracks in the concrete. Also, older concrete parking garages may need complete rebuilds or repairs. Call us for all your parkade restoration and repair needs.

Expansion Joints
Expansion joints are important for the stability and longevity of a parking deck structure. The exposure of decks to hot and cold weather may result in the expansion or contraction of the structural components of the deck. We are hired as a subcontractor for expansion joint systems for your parking deck.